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U.S. - Chinese Cooperation Critical

Cooperation between the United States and the People's Republic of China is critical to dealing with the global economic recovery.

Cooperation between the United States and the People's Republic of China is critical to dealing with the global economic recovery, said U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao after their meeting in New York.

"We have worked together on a whole range of issues," said President Obama. "Obviously one of the most important issues has been to deal with the financial crisis and the recession that traveled around the world over the last several years. In the G-20, our cooperation I think has been absolutely critical," said President Obama:

"Obviously we continue to have more work to do. On the economic front, although the world economy is now growing again, I think it’s going to be very important for us to have frank discussions and continue to do more work cooperatively in order to achieve the type of balance and sustained economic growth that is so important and that we both signed up for in the context of the G-20 framework."

"Even as we’ve stabilized the world economy so that it is growing again and trade is growing again, we’ve also been working on a host of other issues that are of common interest," said President Obama.

"For example, we’ve cooperated extensively on issues of nuclear nonproliferation, and we have also had very frank discussions and cooperated on issues of climate change."

The 2 leaders stated that the 2 countries have common interests as well as differences. It is imperative that the United States and China work together to achieve regional peace and stability, said President Obama. "The world looks to the relationship between China and the United States as a critical ingredient on a whole range of security issues around the world," he said.

"And let me once again express on behalf of the American people our desire to continue to build a growing friendship and strong relationship between the peoples of China and the United States."