Helping the DRC Bring Criminals to Justice

Ambassador Beth Van Schaack in an exclusive on-camera commentary with the USAGM Office of Editorials.

“A lasting peace for the long-suffering communities within the DRC is absolutely critical for security and for prosperity of all citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” said Ambassador Van Schaack.

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Helping the DRC Bring Criminals to Justice

The United States is working with the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to capture Evariste Ilunga Lumu, Mérovée Mutombo, Gérard Kabongo, and Jean Kutenelo Badibanga. All four men are wanted by the DRC High Military Court for war crimes including the murder of three DRC nationals and two UN human rights investigators, including one American citizen. The U.S. Department of State Global Criminal Justice Rewards Program is offering up to $5 million for information leading to their capture.

It is the “first time that we have invoked the program for individuals who have been indicted by a national court. In this case, it's the high military court of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” said Beth Van Schaack, State Department Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice.

“There has been conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo or the DRC for decades,” she said.

“It has been fueled by political rivalries. It has been fueled by corruption, by competition for natural resources, and [by] leaders who exploit ethnic identity for their own empowerment. ... And the emergence, the reemergence of the M23 has led to terrible violence in eastern DRC. And so that's the backdrop against which this reward has been issued for similar violence back in 2017.”

It's extremely important to establish a reliable rule of law and ensure justice for atrocities such as these murders, said Ambassador Van Schaack.

“If there is going to be a deterrent effect of the law, the law has to be made to work. And this program promotes justice and accountability by encouraging the provision of information that leads to the capture or conviction of individuals who stand accused of the worst crimes known to humankind.”

If these men are captured and prosecuted before the DRC national court, they will be entitled to representation and the resources to mount their own defense. They will be treated fairly, and they will have all of the due process protections provided for under DRC law, said Ambassador Van Schaack. “This is an opportunity for tipsters, for individuals with actionable information to play a crucial role in upholding justice.”

“A lasting peace for the long-suffering communities within the DRC is absolutely critical for security and for prosperity of all citizens of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” she said.

If you have information on these four individuals, reach out to the Global Criminal Justice Rewards Program by texting +1-202-975-5468 or emailing You can read more about the program on the U.S. State Department's website at: