New Life Saving Assistance to Venezuelans

Humanitarian assistance

United States announced 407 million dollars in new humanitarian assistance to Venezuelans suffering as a result of the economic crisis caused by the Maduro Regime.

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New Life Saving Assistance to Venezuelans

United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield announced nearly 407 million dollars in new humanitarian assistance to Venezuelans suffering as a result of the economic crisis caused by the Maduro regime and its enablers, which has crippled Venezuela’s economy, driven millions of its citizens to flee their country, and left millions more inside Venezuela in need of humanitarian assistance. She made the announcement in mid June during the virtual International Donors’ Conference in Solidarity with Venezuelan Refugees and Migrants.

Through the second half of the twentieth century, oil-rich Venezuela was one of Latin America’s most affluent countries, boasting one of the strongest economies in Latin America.

But over the last decade or so, due to mismanagement and corruption of the regime of Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela has spiraled into an economic crisis. Today, one in three Venezuelans is food insecure, the medical system is near collapse, and there is no end in sight to the humanitarian suffering of the Venezuelan people. So, Venezuelans have fled the country in droves. Since 2015, more than 5.6 million out of a population of about 30 million have fled the country.

The newly announced funds will help support those Venezuelans who have fled to 17 countries across Latin America, as well as the communities hosting them. It will also go toward helping the 7 million Venezuelans who live within Venezuela and find themselves in desperate need of aid.

“This new funding will provide the Venezuelan people with a wide range of lifesaving and essential assistance, such as food, healthcare, safe drinking water, emergency shelter, access to legal and protection services, and livelihood opportunities,” said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield.

The funding will provide protection for vulnerable groups including women, youth, LGBTQI+, and indigenous people, and specialized assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Today, I reaffirm the commitment of the United States to assist Venezuela, refugees and migrants, the host communities that support them, and the most vulnerable still in Venezuela who are facing a worsening, complex humanitarian crisis. I also reaffirm our commitment to addressing the crisis through a peaceful, political solution,” said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. “The United States remains steadfast in our support to the Venezuelan people in their struggle for the restoration of democracy and rule of law.”