Terrorist Attack In New Delhi

An explosion outside the New Delhi High Court in India on September 7th killed at least 11 people and injured over 70.

The United States condemns the deadly bombing and stands with India in confronting this global challenge.

An explosion outside the New Delhi High Court in India on September 7th killed at least 11 people and injured over 70. The bomb exploded outside the main gate of the court where a large number of people were present. Investigators are working to identify the group responsible for the deplorable attack.

This bombing is the latest in a series of terrorist attacks in India. In July, three bombs exploded in central locations in Mumbai, India’s financial capital, killing 26 and injuring over 110. Nearly 600 civilians were killed in terrorist attacks in India in 2010 alone, making it one of the world’s most terrorism-afflicted countries.

But the people of India have once again demonstrated resiliency and courage in the face of horrific brutality, and they are not alone in their fight against terrorism. The United States condemns the deadly bombing and stands with India in confronting this global challenge.

The two countries work together through the India-U.S. Counterterrorism Cooperation Initiative which allows for greater information-sharing and the sharing of best practices in the areas of investigations, forensic science, countering terrorist finance, cyber security, mass transit and rail security, port and border security, and maritime security. In addition, the U.S.-India Homeland Security Dialogue (HSD) provides a forum for sustained U.S.-India engagement on homeland security issues to facilitate security cooperation.

The U.S. government is monitoring the situation in New Delhi and stands ready to offer any and all assistance to Indian authorities. The United States and India will continue to work together in combating the terrorist groups that have ended the lives of so many innocent people in India and across the globe.