Bangladesh Fights Terrorism

Officials in Bangladesh say they arrested nine more members of the terrorist organization, Jamayetul Mujahideen Bangladesh, or the J-M-B. Those arrested include four regional commanders. According to news reports, Bangladesh security forces also seized detonators, explosives, ammunition, and cash.

Since August 2005, J-M-B bombings have resulted in the death of some thirty people, and the wounding of more than one-hundred others. On one occasion, more than four-hundred explosive devices were detonated in nearly every district of Bangladesh.

Leaflets bearing the group's name and calling for Islamic rule in Bangladesh were found at some of the sites. Hundreds of suspected militants were taken into custody.

Prime Minister Khaleda Zia said, "Bangladesh is a moderate Muslim country and there is no scope for practicing extremism in the name of Islam." She also said her government is taking "action under the law of the land against terrorism, whoever, and whatever party they belong to."

In January, a Bangladesh court convicted Obaidullah Simon of possessing explosives and bomb-making material. Mr. Simon was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. The Bangladesh government says it will put all those arrested on trial.

U.S. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack says that Bangladesh is dealing with the threat of terrorism:

"We stand with the Bangladeshi government in their fight against terrorism. We believe it's a common fight for us all."

Terrorism threatens everyone. The U.S. hopes that the investigation in Bangladesh will result in more terrorists being brought to justice.

The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.