Helping Farmers Eliminate Hunger

Helping Farmers Eliminate Hunger

These are the facts: 923 million people go to bed hungry most nights, 907 million of them in the developing world. That's 75 million people more than last year.

Hungry and undernourished mothers give birth to malnourished children, who fail to thrive, and themselves bear more hungry children. And the cycle perpetuates itself from generation to generation. Hunger is not a consequence of poverty, but one of its causes.

The United States believes that significantly reducing world hunger, and as a consequence poverty, is achievable. Helping small farmers increase food production in the countries most vulnerable to food shortages is a good start.

Dr. Josette Lewis, Director of the Office of Agriculture at the U.S. Agency for International Development, said that the United States would like to "strengthen every link of the food-value chain."

This could be done in a variety of ways, such as by making development loans, loan guarantees and grants available to small farmers; and by using new high-yield seeds that are resistant to diseases and drought. The U.S also supports more training programs in modern food production techniques for farmers in developing countries.

To facilitate the sharing of agricultural research and information, agricultural scientists and farmers from developing countries will come to the United States to learn from their U.S. counterparts. Local institutions and governments on every level can also help by adopting policies that can help expand regional trade in farm products, such as improving roads and other infrastructure, and reducing or eliminating border checkpoints.

Many of these ideas can be put into practice without delay. And in the long run, said Dr. Lewis, USAID plans to form partnerships with private-sector companies. Already a number of U.S. based companies have expressed interest in partnering with various organizations to help boost agricultural productivity and reduce poverty in developing countries.

Reversing the trend and reducing the number of people living in hunger and poverty around the world will require a strong international effort. The United States is doing its part.