New UN Sanctions On North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un visits a long-range artillery sub-unit. (March 11, 2013)

The UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2094 imposing additional sanctions on North Korea.
The United Nations Security Council has unanimously adopted Resolution 2094 imposing additional sanctions on North Korea, in response to North Korea’s announced nuclear test on February 12th. The Security Council’s action demonstrates to North Korea's leaders the increasing costs of defying their international obligations.

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New UN Sanctions On North Korea

The sanctions contained in resolution 2094 will make it more difficult for North Korea to acquire the technology and knowhow to develop its nuclear and ballistic missile programs, for North Korean agents to engage in illicit behavior overseas, and for North Korea to move money around the world to fund its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. They will also make it more difficult for North Korea's ruling elite to acquire luxury goods.

U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Susan Rice said, “These sanctions will increase North Korea’s isolation and raise the cost to North Korea’s leaders of defying the international community. The entire world,” she said, “stands united in our commitment to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and in our demand that North Korea comply with its international obligations.”

Resolution 2094 affirms the Security Council’s determination to take further “significant measures” in the event of another DPRK launch or nuclear test. “We regret that North Korea has again chosen the path of provocation instead of the path of peace,” Ambassador Rice said. “Far from achieving its stated goal of becoming a strong and prosperous nation, North Korea has again opted to further impoverish its people and increase its isolation. We hope instead that North Korea will heed President [Barack] Obama’s call to choose the path of peace and come into compliance with its international obligations.”