Haiti's Future Now Up To Its People

Haiti's presidential candidates Manigat and Martelly speak to each other before a news conference in Port-au-Prince, January 29, 2011.

The lineup is now set for the second round of Haiti's protracted elections to choose the island nation's next president.

The lineup is now set for the second round of Haiti's protracted elections to choose the island nation's next president.

Following a review of the returns in the first round of voting November 28, the Government of Haiti’s Provisional Electoral Council announced that former first lady Mirlande Manigat will face off against popular singer Michel Martelly in a second round of balloting set for March 20.

This announcement is an important milestone in the electoral process since it will allow an orderly transfer of power to a new and stable government that can both lead the nation's massive reconstruction effort and improve its health care and education systems. Sustained support from the international community, including the United States, requires a credible political process that reflects the will of the Haitian people, as expressed by their votes. In addition to their many other needs in these troubling times, the Haitian people deserve a new government that they believe and have confidence in to lead them to a more prosperous future.

As in the past, and going forward, the United States does not support or oppose any candidate. Rather, we support the Haitian people and their right to have their voices heard and votes counted. The future of their nation is now in their hands.