The United Nations Security Council unanimously approved resolution sixteen-ninety-five condemning North Korea for a series of missile launches. The resolution was co-sponsored by Britain, Denmark, France, Japan, Peru, Slovakia, and the United States. It requires U-N members to prevent the transfer of missile-related goods and technology to the Communist North Korean regime. North Korea continues its nuclear weapons program.
In a Joint Statement following the Six-Party Talks on September 19, 2005, North Korea pledged to abandon all its nuclear weapons and existing nuclear programs; the other parties agreed to security provisions, economic and energy assistance, and steps toward normalization subject to bilateral policies, in the context of the North’s denuclearization.
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the Six-Party Talks "are the vehicle now that the international community is using to deal with North Korea." She says, "ultimately, North Korea will have no choice but to return to the talks and pursue denuclearization of the Korean peninsula."
Secretary of State Rice says U-N Security Council resolution sixteen-ninety-five "is a very strong resolution":
"It says to the North Koreans, you're isolated. Come back to the Six-Party Talks."
Dr. Rice says that she was not surprised that the first reaction of the North Korean government was to reject the resolution:
"That's the way that the North Koreans are. But they've got to be a little surprised at the strength of the resolution. They've got to be a little surprised that the unity of the community was maintained."
President George W. Bush says, "Our goal and objective is to have a nuclear-free. . . .weapons-free Korean peninsula. Russia shares that objective. China shares the objective, Japan shares the objective, and South Korea shares the objective." Mr. Bush says, "We've got common ground to move forward."
The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.