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Threats to International Peace

(FILE) A Ukrainian firefighter talks on the radio while he works to extinguish the fire on the site of an electrical substation that was hit by Russian strike in Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024.
(FILE) A Ukrainian firefighter talks on the radio while he works to extinguish the fire on the site of an electrical substation that was hit by Russian strike in Dnipropetrovsk region, Ukraine, Monday, Sept. 2, 2024.

"We will continue to call out those who enable Russia and its brutal war of aggression against the people of Ukraine," said Ambassador Wood.

Threats to International Peace
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Threats to international peace and stability continue to emanate from the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia. Indeed, as Russia deploys chemical weapons on the battlefield and continues to kill civilians and destroy Ukrainian critical infrastructure, Iran, North Korea, and China are providing Russia with the material support it needs to wage its war.

Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, is fueling Russia’s aggression with direct military support, providing lethal weapons, which the Kremlin is using against Ukrainian civilians and infrastructure, said U.S. Ambassador Robert Wood, Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs at the United Nations:

“On the anniversary of Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union, Russia reportedly used approximately one hundred Shahed UAVs [unmanned aerial vehicles] and glide bombs in a major attack targeting critical infrastructure throughout Ukraine, including the electricity grid, power plants, and natural gas facilities. Russia procures or produces these UAVs thanks to its partnership with Iran.”

“If Iran were to move forward with the transfer of ballistic missiles to Russia, it would represent a dramatic escalation and a serious risk to international peace and security,” warned Ambassador Wood.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, or DPRK’s, arms transfers of ballistic missiles to Russia are also inflicting massive damage on Ukraine, said Ambassador Wood:

“The DPRK has unlawfully transferred dozens of ballistic missiles and more than 16,500 containers of munitions and munitions-related materiel to Russia, prolonging the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Russia’s procurement of DPRK ballistic missiles violates the UN arms embargo on the DPRK that Russia itself supported in this Council.”

Russia also receives significant support from China, said Ambassador Wood:

“China is exporting to Russia nitro-cellulose, machine tools, microelectronics, optics, and UAV and cruise missile technology that Russia deploys in its attacks against civilians and Ukraine’s infrastructure. We have seen a massive buildup of Russia’s weaponry over the last year and a half – including tanks, missiles, and munitions – all fueled by China’s dual-use imports.”

The United States will continue to call for justice for the victims of the Kremlin’s war of aggression and accountability for those responsible, said Ambassador Wood. “And we will continue to call out those who enable Russia and its brutal war of aggression against the people of Ukraine.”