Tiananmen Square, 21 Years Later

  • Eva Nenicka
To this day, the people in China are not allowed to speak publicly of the violent government crackdown in Tiananmen Square.

It was 21 years ago this month that Chinese troops opened fire on demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square. To this day, the people in China are not allowed to speak publicly of the violent government crackdown in Tiananmen Square.

The Chinese government has not released any information on events surrounding the Tiananmen Square massacre, including the number of people killed and imprisoned. The United States urges the Chinese government to provide the fullest possible public accounting of those killed, detained or missing, and to cease harassment of those who participated in the demonstrations and the families of victims.

The United States joins others in the international community in urging China to release all those still serving sentences for participating in peaceful protests at that time and since.

The United States encourages China to protect the universal human rights of all its citizens, including those who peacefully dissent.