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Iran And Nuclear Weapons

Iran claims that its nuclear program is designed to provide power for peaceful purposes such as the generation of electricity, but few credit this claim. The United States and other countries suspect that Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons. Gregory Schulte is the U.S. ambassador to the International Atomic Energy Agency, or I-A-E-A:

"The European Union shares our concerns about Iran's intentions and Iran's activities. Russia shares them. China shares them. India has shown that it shares them and I think it's this united front that we hope will show the Iranian leadership that they're isolating themselves and help convince the Iranian leadership to take a different path."

Ambassador Schulte says Iran's nuclear weapons program poses a danger:

"At the I-A-E-A we worry about denying terrorists the most deadly of weapons. We also worry about denying the most deadly of weapons to the most dangerous of countries and Iran is a case in point."

U.S. State Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli says the message to Iran from the U.S., the International Atomic Energy Agency, and others "is clear":

"The international community doesn't like what it sees and it doesn't like the kind of behavior that you've been exhibiting over the last several years. So you've got a chance to make things right with the world. Take that chance as opposed to continuing to increase your own isolation. . . .and your being at variance with the rest of the world."

Iran's nuclear program doesn't do Iran "any good," says Mr. Ereli. It doesn't help the Iranian people and, he says, "it doesn't do the region any good."

The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.