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Clean Energy Economies

Clean Energy Economies
Clean Energy Economies
The United States believes that a strong investment in clean technologies is just the push needed to help combat climate change and create new jobs at the same time.

The United States has already begun to take steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, said Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Money has been set aside for renewable energy. Secretary Clinton has named a Special Envoy for Climate Change who will work with his counterparts around the world in preparation for the UN climate conference, which will take place later this year in Copenhagen, Denmark.

"We are going to do everything we can to get an agreement that includes everybody. Nobody can be left out. There may be different requirements and maybe different timetables for developing countries and for the developed world, but everybody must be in the agreement."

In his opening speech at the Fifth Summit of the Americas on April 17th, U.S. President Barack Obama called for the creation of a new Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas.

"We can strengthen the foundation of our prosperity and our security and our environment through a new partnership on energy. Our hemisphere is blessed with bountiful resources, and we are all endangered by climate change. Now we must come together to find new ways to produce and use energy so that we can create jobs and protect our planet."

"Each country will bring its own unique resources and needs, so we will ensure that each country can maximize its strengths as we promote efficiency and improve our infrastructure, share technologies, support investments in renewable sources of energy," said President Obama. "And in doing so, we can create the jobs of the future, lower greenhouse gas emissions, and make this hemisphere a model for cooperation."

The United States remains committed to working actively with other nations to promote cooperative and collaborative approaches to address this important issue, while helping to foster prosperity and well-being for citizens around the globe.