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Boosting Energy Technologies

Boosting Energy Technologies
Boosting Energy Technologies

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In June, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announced that the United States will invest more than $300 million in a range of clean energy technologies – including carbon capture from coal, solar power, and high efficiency cars and trucks.

"There's enormous potential for new jobs and reduced carbon pollution just by implementing existing technologies like energy efficiency and wind energy, but we also need to develop transformative new solutions," said Secretary Chu.

Secretary Chu said the U.S. will invest up to $240 million for the development of high efficiency commercial and passenger vehicles. The goal is to increase vehicle freight efficiency by a total of 50% for heavy duty trucks of a certain class. The projects receiving funding will focus on improving the efficiency of advanced engine technologies and vehicle system technologies.

Another goal is to advance research and development of efficient engine and power train systems for passenger vehicles. For gasoline-fueled vehicles, these components will achieve at least a 25% fuel economy improvement compared to 2009 reference vehicles, while diesel-fueled vehicles will be able to attain at least a 40% improvement.

The Department of Energy has selected 24 new solar projects to advance photovoltaic technology research, development, and design – helping to lower the cost of photovoltaic generation. Photovoltaic generation is the production of voltage using exposure to radiant energy, especially light.

The projects range from development of automated assembly processes to semiconductor fabrication. They target manufacturing and product cost reduction with the potential to have a near-term impact on a substantial segment of the photovoltaic industry.

In addition the Department of Energy plans to invest up to $27 million to develop the nation's solar installation training infrastructure.

As a part of the commitment of President Obama's Administration to develop technologies to reduce carbon dioxide emission, Secretary Chu announced $11.3 million for 9 projects that will develop pre-combustion carbon capture technologies that can reduce CO2 emissions in future coal-based integrated gasification combined cycle power plants. Pre-combustion processes convert fuel into a gaseous mixture of hydrogen and CO2. The CO2 is then separated and hydrogen can be burned without producing any CO2 in the exhaust gas.

The United States is committed to transforming the way it and the world uses and produces energy. President Barack Obama said "the nation that leads the world in creating new sources of clean energy will be the nation that leads the 21st century economy."