Additional U.S. Sanctions On Iran

The United States has designated additional Iranian entities linked to nuclear and missile proliferation, augmenting new sanctions approved by the UN Security Council.

The United States has designated additional Iranian entities linked to nuclear and missile proliferation, augmenting new sanctions approved by the UN Security Council on June 9th.

The State Department is working towards the robust implementation of UN Security Council resolutions on Iran by asking Special Advisor for Arms Control and Nonproliferation, Bob Einhorn, to take on additional duties of coordinating implementation of multilateral and national sanctions against Iran.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton noted, "The sanctions have now been passed by an overwhelming vote, and we will move to implement them. . . . We want to be sure that we don't just pass the sanctions and then leave it to chance as to whether or not they are being implemented."

The U.S. measures target "a number of institutions and individuals who are helping Iran finance nuclear and missile programs and to evade international sanctions," said U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. The additional designations include Iran's Post Bank, front companies associated with the Islamic Republic of Iran's Shipping Lines, and individuals and entities involved with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

In a briefing to reporters, Stuart Levey, Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, stressed that the new measures are not aimed at the Iranian people. That is why the Revolutionary Guard Corps is being specifically targeted, said Mr. Levey.
"The Revolutionary Guard, as you may know, not only is engaged in illicit activity, but it's taking economic opportunities from the people of Iran. We think by focusing attention on the Revolutionary Guard, as we did at the United Nations, and as we have both unilaterally and with our partners around the world, that we're sending exactly the right message. We're going after the people who are oppressing the people of Iran, oppressing them politically and economically."

The European Union has also announced additional sanctions on Iran. Secretary of State Clinton welcomed the measures, saying, "They send a clear message to Iran's leaders: Uphold your international responsibilities or face growing international isolation and consequences."