Supporting Education in Ghana

Primary school students at Akebubu, Ghana.

Primary school students at Akebubu, Ghana.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has awarded its flagship education project in Ghana, Partnership for Education: Learning, to FHI 360, an international human development NGO.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has awarded its flagship education project in Ghana, Partnership for Education: Learning, to FHI 360, an international human development NGO.

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Supporting Education in Ghana

Through the project, the American people are investing $71 million to support Ghana's educational institutions over five years to improve, expand, and sustain learning outcomes for at least 2.8 million primary students nationwide, with an emphasis on children in kindergarten through grade three. In partnership with the project's main implementing partner, Ghana Education Service, FHI 360 will lead a consortium composed of the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy, and Bible Translation, the Ghana Institute for Management and Public Administration, the Olinga Foundation for Human Development and The British Council.

The Learning project is part of the USAID Partnership for Education parent program that is supporting early grade reading and literacy improvement activities implemented by the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service. The Learning project also includes a small component to identify approaches to improve early grade math skills.

The USAID Partnership for Education parent programis the U.S. Government's direct contribution to Ghana's 2010-2020 Education Sector Plan and its implementation, and comprises a suite of distinct, but complementary projects aimed to improve child literacy and numeracy, as well as basic education systems.

A sister project, Partnership for Education: Testing, awarded to Research Triangle Institute in December 2012, is a four-year, $9 million project that focuses on strengthening student assessment design, administration and dissemination, including the National Education Assessment and the newly introduced Early Grade Reading Assessment and Early Grade Math Assessment.

Partnership for Education: Evaluating Systems, awarded to Social Impact in September 2014, is a five-year, $12 million project supporting the Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service, and other local partner organizations to develop a systematic, coordinated, and responsive monitoring and evaluation system that directly links to implementation of Ghana's Education Strategic Plan.

The United States is proud to partner with the Government Ghana and its private sector partners in improving education for all the children of Ghana.