The third Monday in February is Presidents Day in the United States. Originally meant to celebrate George Washington, the country’s first President, today it serves as a recognition of all of the nation’s Presidents.
On the third Monday of each January, Americans honor the memory of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., a leader in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement, who advocated for social change through non-violent means.
"My wish for you and for the nation, now and always, is [that] we continue to seek the light of liberty and love, kindness and compassion, dignity and decency," said President Biden.
“Throughout our country’s history, this season of reflection and giving thanks comes in good times and tough ones,” said President Joe Biden.
“In memory of those who fought here, died here, literally saved the world here, let us be worthy of their sacrifice,” said President Biden.
"The country chooses one or the other. We accept the choice the country made. I’ve said many times you can’t love your country only when you win. You can’t love your neighbor only when you agree," said President Biden.
On this day, President Joe Biden annually issues two proclamations: one for Columbus Day, and a second for Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
“On Labor Day, we stand in solidarity with all the workers who lift our Nation to new heights and all the labor unions who give all workers power and voice,” said President Biden in a statement.
"Politics ought to be an arena for peaceful debate, to pursue justice, to make decisions guided by the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution," said President Biden.
"America is the only nation in history founded on an idea," said President Biden, "that all people are ... endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights — among them life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Juneteenth, as a federal holiday, is meant to breathe new life into the very essence of America, to make sure all Americans feel the power of this day and the progress we can make as a country, said President Biden.
“Every year, as a nation, we undertake this rite of remembrance, for we must never forget the price that was paid to protect our democracy,” said President Joe Biden.
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