Climate Change & Energy Security

Climate Change & Energy Security

The world community must slow, stop and reverse greenhouse gas emissions in a way that promotes sustainable economic growth, increases energy security, and helps nations deliver greater prosperity for their people.

The December 2007 United Nations climate change conference in Bali, Indonesia opened a critical new chapter in climate diplomacy. The United States supports the Bali Action Plan and is committed to working under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to develop a post-2012 climate regime that is environmentally effective and economically sustainable. The U.S. is prepared to enter into binding international commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as part of a global agreement in which all major economies similarly undertake binding international commitments. Greenhouse gases are gases that contribute to the “greenhouse effect,” which refers to heat radiated to earth by the sun and then trapped in the atmosphere. The U.S. recognizes the content of the commitments to reduce greenhouse gases will depend on each country’s circumstance and capabilities.

The U.S. has initiated a series of meetings that brings seventeen of the world’s major economies together to reinforce and accelerate global efforts under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in order to support and contribute to a global agreement under the Convention by 2009. The U.S. has committed to provide two-billion dollars to a new international clean technology fund to help developing nations use clean energy technologies. Other initiatives include multiple international collaborative partnerships between government and the private sector that increase the world’s capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve energy security and cut harmful air pollution.

President George W. Bush has made it clear that the United States will do its part to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. Speaking last March to an international conference on renewable energy, Mr. Bush said, “We’re going to change the way we drive our cars; and we’ll change the way we power our businesses and homes.”

U.S. Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky said, “The action we take at home to promote clean energy technologies is part of our broader effort to address climate change and promote sustainable development around the world.” For an international climate and energy agreement to be truly effective, she said, “it must include concrete commitments by every major economy.”