Support For Afghanistan

Support For Afghanistan

Support For Afghanistan

On June 12th, the United States renewed its support for Afghanistan, pledging more than ten billion dollars for security and reconstruction assistance at the international donors’ conference in Paris, France. The United States is the leading donor to Afghanistan and has committed increasing amounts of security, reconstruction, governance, and humanitarian assistance since 2001.

With the support of the U.S. and other international partners, the Afghan National Army is now almost sixty-thousand strong. Focused district development is a holistic approach to assess district-level police training. This approach equips participants to meet the requirements and provide mentoring for trained for trained police that should lead to a state of operational independence. Focused district development for police is currently underway in thirty districts throughout Afghanistan.

To assist Afghans in bettering governance and strengthening the rule of law, the U.S. provided voter registration, education, and logistical assistance in support of the successful 2004 presidential and 2005 parliamentary elections.
Forty courthouses and justice facilities were built or rebuilt, and Afghanistan’s entire body of law was compiled and published with U.S. assistance. By the end of the year, the U.S. will have provided basic training to all fifteen-hundred judges in Afghanistan, and virtually all members of Parliament, legislative drafters, provincial counselors and journalists.

Economic and development assistance provided by the United States built or rehabilitated some two-thousand-seven-hundred kilometers of roads; disbursed over twenty-eight thousand micro-finance loans, constructed or refurbished more than six-hundred-eighty schools; printed and distributed more than sixty-million textbooks nationwide; trained over sixty-five-thousand teachers through radio broadcasts and ten-thousand-five-hundred teachers through accelerated learning programs; built or rehabilitated over six-hundred-seventy health facilities and trained over eleven-thousand health workers.

“These achievements are remarkable for any place, but particularly for one that was a safe haven for terrorists just a few years ago,” said U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The United States, she said, “will be committed to Afghanistan for as long as it takes and well beyond for the development of a prosperous, democratic and free Afghanistan.”