U.S. And Jordan Allies

U.S. And Jordan Allies

U.S. And Jordan Allies

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The U.S. and Jordan have long been allies, particularly in the fight against terrorism. At a recent meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton thanked Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh for Jordan’s "commitment to combating violent extremism at home and abroad."

Secretary Clinton said that the fight against terrorism is a "struggle that unites people of faith, people of peace, people of conscience everywhere. Terrorists have targeted our cities and our citizens and they must be met with unwavering resolve. I remember well," said Secretary Clinton, "visiting the hotels in Amman that had been bombed in 2005, walking through the wreckage, visiting the innocent children, men, and women who had been targeted at weddings." The United States, Jordan and their partners around the world stand should-to-shoulder in this fight, said Secretary Clinton.

Another subject of common concern is achieving a comprehensive peace in the Middle East based on a 2-state solution. The U.S. is working with the Israelis, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and the other Arab states to take steps to re-launch negotiations as soon as possible and without preconditions. The United States believes that through good faith negotiations, the parties can agree on an outcome, which ends the conflict and reconciles the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable state and the Israeli goal of a Jewish state with secure and recognized borders.

Jordanian Foreign Minister Judeh described his country’s partnership with the U.S. as strategic and solid, based on common values and a shared vision of a comprehensive lasting peace, coexistence, and prosperity in the Middle East.

Jordan remains a terrorist target, said the Foreign Minister, so Jordan will not waver or be deterred in its determination to combat terror, terrorism, and terrorists wherever they are. Jordan’s presence in Afghanistan, said Prime Minister Judeh, is in Jordan's national interest and is aimed at combating terrorism and the root causes of terrorism, but also to offer humanitarian aid.

The United States, said Secretary Clinton, looks forward to continuing to work closely with Jordan on pressing issues, including terrorism and Middle East peace.