Genuine Dialogue Needed in Venezuela

초강력 태풍 '망쿳'이 중국 남부로 북상한 가운데 광둥성 선전시에서 여성이 폭우를 피하기 위해 뛰고 있다.

초강력 태풍 '망쿳'이 중국 남부로 북상한 가운데 광둥성 선전시에서 여성이 폭우를 피하기 위해 뛰고 있다.

The United States is concerned by deteriorating economic conditions in Venezuela along with reports of increasing violence.

The United States is concerned by deteriorating economic conditions in Venezuela along with reports of increasing violence. The United States Government joins others in the international community in urging genuine dialogue among Venezuelans from across the political spectrum, to find solutions to the real economic, political, and social challenges facing Venezuela.

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Genuine Dialogue Needed in Venezuela

The Venezuelan people are facing increasing shortages of food, medicine, electricity, and basic consumer goods. Inflation is soaring.

Thousands of anti-government protesters took to the streets of Caracas recently in support of a referendum to recall President Nicolas Maduro.

White House Spokesperson Josh Earnest expressed concern for the wellbeing of the people of Venezuela and called the conditions they are laboring under “terrible.”

“The solution to these challenges will require the inclusion of all interested parties,” he said. “Now is the time for leaders to listen to diverse Venezuelan voices and work together peacefully to try to find solutions…The failure to do that,” Mr. Earnest said, “only puts hundreds of thousands if not millions of Venezuelans at risk of further suffering.”

State Department Spokesperson John Kirby also called for a peaceful, inclusive response to the difficulties faced by the Venezuelan people. Mr. Kirby said that the United States believes “the solution to these challenges…is going to require the inclusion of all interested parties” and the United States continues to call for “respect for the will of the people, the rule of law, the separation of powers within the government, and the democratic process.”