Palestinians in Gaza face harsh living and economic conditions under Hamas even as the terrorist group has amassed hundreds of millions in a secret investment portfolio. Hamas maintains a violent agenda that harms both Israelis and Palestinians. The United States is committed to denying Hamas the ability to generate and move funds and holding it to account for its role in promoting and conducting terrorist acts.
That’s why the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or OFAC, designated a Hamas finance official as well as an expansive network of three Hamas financial facilitators and six companies that have generated revenue for the terrorist group through the management of an international investment portfolio. The individuals and companies listed below are being designated under Executive Order 13224, as amended, which targets terrorists, leaders, and officials of terrorist groups, and those providing support to terrorists or acts of terrorism.
Ahmed Sharif Abdallah Odeh was in charge of Hamas’s international investment portfolio until 2017 and subsequently oversaw the investment portfolio on behalf of Hamas’s Shura Council. In mid-2017, Usama Ali was appointed as the head of the Investment Office, a position from which he coordinated financial transfers to Hamas.
Hisham Younis Yahia Qafisheh served as Usama Ali’s deputy and played an important role in transferring funds on behalf of various companies linked to Hamas’s investment portfolio.
Anda Company, Agrogate Holding, Trend GYO, and Al Rowad Real Estate Development are all linked directly or indirectly to Hamas. Moreover, Sidar Company and Itqan Real Estate JSC both appeared to operate as legitimate businesses, but in practice, were controlled by Hamas and transferred money to the group.
And finally, ‘Abdallah Yusuf Faisal Sabri is an accountant who has worked in the Hamas Finance Ministry for several years.
These designations target “the individuals and companies that Hamas uses to conceal and launder funds,” said Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Elizabeth Rosenberg. “The United States is committed to denying Hamas the ability to generate and move funds and to holding Hamas accountable for its role in promoting and carrying out violence in the region.”
Designating Hamas Financial Facilitators

The United States is committed to denying Hamas the ability to generate and move funds and holding it to account for its role in promoting and conducting terrorist acts.