Resolution On North Korea

By unanimously adopting resolution seventeen-eighteen, the United Nations Security Council has sent a clear message to the government of North Korea: it must cease its nuclear weapons program and suspend all activities related to its ballistic missile program. The Council adopted the resolution in response to North Korea's claim to have tested a nuclear weapon on October 9.

The Chapter VII Security Council resolution bans trade with North Korea in materials that could contribute to North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction and missile programs. It also prohibits the sale to North Korea or purchase by North Korea of tanks, warships, warplanes, attack helicopters, missiles, and missile systems.

U-N Security Council Resolution seventeen-eighteen also forbids other nations to provide to North Korea technical training, advice, or any other assistance related to the large-scale military equipment, weapons of mass destruction and missile-related items just described. The resolution requires nations to freeze the assets of persons or entities designated as supporting North Korea's weapons and ballistic missile programs. It also imposes travel restrictions on persons responsible for North Korea’s weapons and missile policies, as well as a ban on luxury goods to North Korea.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says that the U-N Security Council resolution on North Korea demonstrates "a remarkable unity of purpose and unity of message":

"China, which has never wanted to impose sanctions, particularly on a state with which it has close relations, Russia, the United States, Japan, and the entire international community have now imposed the toughest sanctions on North Korea that have ever been imposed. . . .It will allow efforts to prevent proliferation in the weapons of mass destruction that [North Korean dictator] Kim Jong-Il is brandishing. And it sends a very strong signal to North Korea that it is now completely isolated."

The regime of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Il spends money on weapons programs while the people of North Korea starve. The U.S. continues to seek a peaceful, diplomatic resolution to the North Korea nuclear problem and sees the implementation of the Joint Statement of the Six-Party Talks as the best means for achieving that end.

The September 19, 2005 Joint Statement offers North Korea a clear path to a positive future and concrete benefits in return for carrying out its commitment to denuclearize. President George W. Bush says, "There is a better way forward for North Korea":

"If the leader of North Korea were to verifiably end his weapons programs, the United States and other nations would be willing to help the nation recover economically."

President George W. Bush says that the message to North Korea's leader is that "the world is united in our opposition to his nuclear weapons plans."

The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.