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Bush On Islamic Radicalism

President George W. Bush says that the ideology of Islamic radicalism represents a "mortal danger to all humanity":

"This ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent, political vision: the establishment, by terrorism and subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom. These extremists distort the idea of jihad into a call for terrorist murder against Christians and Jews and Hindus - and also against Muslims from other traditions, who they regard as heretics."

Islamic radicalism, says Mr. Bush, is a "loose network" that includes operatives who are part of global terrorist organizations like Al-Qaida as well as regional terrorist groups. These groups seek to end U.S and other Western influence in the Middle East and to "establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia":

"With greater economic and military and political power, the terrorists would be able to advance their stated agenda: to develop weapons of mass destruction, to destroy Israel, to intimidate Europe, to assault the American people, and to blackmail our government into isolation."

Mr. Bush says that the United States is determined to deny extremist groups support and sanctuary from outlaw regimes:

"They have been sheltered by authoritarian regimes, allies of convenience like Syria and Iran, that share the goal of hurting America and moderate Muslim governments, and use terrorist propaganda to blame their own failures on the West and America, and on the Jews... State sponsors like Syria and Iran have a long history of collaboration with terrorists, and they deserve no patience from the victims of terror."

President George W. Bush says the United States makes no distinction between those who commit acts of terror and those who support and harbor terrorists, because they are equally guilty of murder.

The preceding was an editorial reflecting the views of the United States Government.