“Russia’s manipulation of its legal system silences dissent and suffocates the truth about Russia’s indefensible war against Ukraine,” said Acting Treasury Under Secretary Bradley Smith.
"[W]e’ve delivered important progress and innovations that will leave a lasting legacy on human rights around the globe, including leveraging global institutions to address U.S. human rights priorities," said Under Secretary Zeya.
President Carter "worked to eradicate disease, forge peace, advance civil rights and human rights, promote free and fair elections, house the homeless, and always advocate for the least among us," said President Biden.
“I’m convinced that we can shape AI for the better,” said Secretary Blinken, “so that it remains a force for progress and for the advancement of people all around the world.”
"We believe that Moscow will become more reluctant not only to criticize Pyongyang’s development of nuclear weapons, but also further obstruct passage of sanctions or resolutions condemning North Korea’s destabilizing behavior," said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield.
"These attacks, including drone strikes, and now cluster munitions, have only increased in frequency these past few months," said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield. "In just one day, Russia took out 2 gigawatts of power availability. That’s enough power for over a million and a half homes."
“Every hour, someone loses life or limb to a mine. Together, we can prevent this tragedy and create a safer world for us all,” said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield.
"We urge the Government of Azerbaijan," Secretary Blinken said, "to release those unjustly detained for their advocacy on behalf of human rights, cease its crackdown on civil society, respect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all."
“Clearly, we have not yet put an end to the violence of hunger, and the hunger caused by violence,” said Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield.
“[T]o our honorees today,” said Secretary Blinken: “to everyone fighting for human rights around the globe: I urge you to keep setting the example. Keep challenging us to prove worthy of your courage.”
"When people around the world have greater access to markets, to health care, to renewable energy, that’s good for America’s businesses, for Americans’ health, and for the planet that we all share," said Secretary Blinken.
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